
Budgeting information for a campaign.

How campaign budget is calculated

There are two main paradigms for campaign budgets. Campaigns with shared budget management enabled have a single pooled budget that is allocated between child ad sets as the campaign runs. These campaigns can have a shared daily budget, a shared lifetime budget, or both. Since the budgets of the child ad sets will change throughout the lifespan of the campaign, it is recommended that when shared budget management is enabled, campaign budgets should be used instead of querying each child ad set.

For campaigns without a shared budget, the campaign's budget represents the aggregated value of all ad sets belong to the campaign. For example, the campaign daily budget is $10 when the campaign has one ad set(offer) with a $4 daily budget and another with a $6 daily budget. Lifetime budget is calculated the same way.


dailyBudget (Money!)

The maximum amount all ad sets in this campaign can spend in one day.

lifetimeBudget (Money!)

The maximum amount all ad sets in this campaign can spend over the lifetime of the campaign.

sharedDailyBudgetEnabled (Boolean!)

Returns true if this campaign has a shared daily budget that is distributed amongst child ad sets.

sharedLifetimeBudgetEnabled (Boolean!)

Returns true if this campaign has a shared lifetime budget that is distributed amongst child ad sets.