
This endpoint helps you query and manage the financial bids of your ad sets. While some objectives have simple single bids, others support more advanced (and therefore complex) bidding strategies. For example, Engagement objectives support multiRewardEngagementEvents, allowing you to set an individual bid for each step in your engagement funnel. Some objectives also support per app bidding, empowering you to bid a different amount based on the publisher app in which your ad is shown.

Note: Part of this API requires Tapjoy approval, please contact your account manager with questions

Input fields

bidding (AdSetBiddingUpdateInput!)

Bidding configuration

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.

id (ID!)

The identifier of AdSet

Return fields

bidding (AdSetBidding!)

The updated ad set bidding

clientMutationId (String)

A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.