
A reference to a publisher's app. Note: Part of this API requires Tapjoy's approval to use.


bundleId (String)

The bundle id of the app. It will be a package name in the format of com.tapjoy.testapp. Requires Tapjoy approval. Note: If you do not have approval, you will get an error message saying "Field 'bundleId' doesn't exist on type 'AppReference'"

hashedId (String!)

A hash of the unique tapjoy identifier for this app.

hashedIdTruncated (String!)

A truncated version (first 50 characters) of the field 'hashedId'

id (ID!)

Unique Tapjoy identifier for the app. Requires Tapjoy approval. Note: If you do not have approval, you will get an error message saying "Field 'id' doesn't exist on type 'AppReference'"

name (String)

The name of the app

platform (DevicePlatform)

The platform of the app. Requires Tapjoy approval. Note: If you do not have approval, you will get an error message saying "Field 'platform' doesn't exist on type 'AppReference'"

storeId (String)

The store id of the app. For iOS, this will be an integer in the format 1234567891. For android it will be a package name in the format com.tapjoy.testapp. Requires Tapjoy approval. Note: If you do not have approval, you will get an error message saying "Field 'storeId' doesn't exist on type 'AppReference'"